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Brazier in the form of a pig. Mangals (breed of pigs): description. Breeding brazier pigs. Feeding and necessary diet

Curly pigs as a separate breed appeared as early as 1833. They were brought out by the royal Hungarian Duke Josef. He thought for a long time about how to get the kind of animal from which you can extract a lot of meat and a minimum of fat. As a result, Josef crossed a wild pig with ordinary household pigs. As a result, it turned out that almost forty percent of the genetic information was made up of wild ancestors. Now the mangalica genes allow breeding animals whose meat is the most delicious. These pigs also differ in that they give fragrant juicy lard with meat streaks. So, the brazier can be considered not only meat, but also greasy breed.

These curly animals also have Ukrainian roots. In Transcarpathia, they were obtained as a result of crossing the Carpathian mangalica with the Western European wild boar. Now this breed is considered elite.

Mangal pigs.

Until nineteen forties, pigs were bred in Transcarpathia. As for breeding conditions, they were grazed in the meadows, just like cows. After the Second World War, almost all animals were slaughtered. Now the livestock of barbecues can be found on the lands of Hungary and Romania. It is possible that the Transcarpathian gazdy are again trying to acquire their own farm and add to it the breeding of barbecues.

Description of the breed brazier

Pigs are divided into subspecies depending on the color scheme. Some are white (photo 1), others are black (photo 2), others are red (photo 3), and the fourth are mixed (photo 4). More than eighty percent of pigs belong to the white subspecies, and the rest, unfortunately, are already on the verge of extinction.

Breed advantages

Of course, first of all, it is worth saying that mangal animals tend to build muscle mass. You will never meet a fat mangalica.

As for feeding, everything here is quite simple and much more profitable than with other breeds of pigs. Braziers are omnivores, and this has a positive effect on today's economic situation holders.

Pigs can eat both animal feed and plant foods, as well as various already processed products and waste, even technical residues. In winter, cuts from root crops or acorns, as well as from chestnuts and corn, can be included in the diet. Don't forget the hay. You can also feed braziers with bran, young shoots of trees, offal, even bones from animals. If you teach pigs to eat almost everything, then later they will begin to eat duckweed, carrion, oak bark, and forbs can replace chopping. In summer, braziers can eat young twigs, grain waste and shrubs.

Feeding pigs of the brazier breed can be viewed on the video:

Animals are not whimsical to the convenience of keeping and do not need any special conditions. You can breed them both in winter and summer, and in both the first and second cases you can walk. Thick bristles allow pigs to keep the right body temperature and easily endure the cold. Their curls become thicker in winter and grow another couple of centimeters (up to seven to eight). Puberty occurs as early as five to seven months. There is talk about pregnancy, then in barbecues it is the same as in other breeds of pigs.

Fattening such pigs is not only easy, but also cost-effective. The diet is as follows: adult animals are given food in the morning and evening, twice a day. You can include wheat, corn, as well as bread and even beets in the diet.


Adult animals weigh up to three hundred kilograms. If you want to fatten pigs for meat, then you need to castrate piglets under the age of one and a half months. After castration, they will quickly gain kilograms. There are usually about twelve to sixteen piglets in one litter. You can feed young pigs already on the fifth day.

This can be done, for example, with liquid mash, bone meal, or red clay. Do not forget that the drinking bowls are constantly filled with water. You yourself will be able to notice that after three weeks the piglets begin to eat grass and hay on their own, gnaw on beets and apples.

Those who saw barbecue pigs for the first time will surely be under the sensations for a long time. In these animals, the accumulation of muscle mass is genetically determined, which is why they have almost no fat. Of course, it is not in vain that braziers are considered elite pigs. They do not get fat until six months, despite the fact that they can reach three hundred kilograms. There is only one similarity of this breed - the Ukrainian steppe white pig, which was obtained by crossing again with barbecues.

The number of pigs does not differ in large numbers, despite the fact that animals of this breed are bred in many regions of Ukraine. Those who are going to keep braziers, before buying young animals, should carefully ask the owners who already have experience with these animals. They will tell you all the nuances of breeding, share care tips with you, and also point out what you should pay attention to when choosing piglets. Be sure to look at the boar and sow before purchasing offspring from their brood.

Video by Viktor Dementiev about the Mangal breed:

Do not neglect attentiveness and purchase piglets to order, without seeing them live. Often there are cases when braziers mean a Korean or Vietnamese breed of pigs, but nevertheless these are completely separate breeds that are different from those described in this article. After you get acquainted with the brazier breed, you can see for yourself that the Korean pig breed cannot be confused with the brazier.

Mangalitsa meat is tastier and more tender, and also healthier than that of an ordinary pig. Food is digested faster, it also contains a minimum of cholesterol. Abroad, such pigs are slaughtered when they reach six months of age, since then the meat of the animals is tender and almost without fat. But in our country, the opposite is true: pigs are raised for up to a year, and only then they are slaughtered. For this reason, the taste of meat is different, as it becomes coarser, with a high content of fat.

By the way, for one kilogram of brazier meat they give about fifteen dollars.

Over the past few decades, many varieties of domestic pig breeds have been brought to Russian lands. And even farmers and breeders who are accustomed not only to pink pigs could be surprised at the unusual appearance of the brazier pigs. In addition to the exotic appearance, the brazier is distinguished by a positive balance of costs and meat productivity. In addition, the brazier breed is considered elite among breeders, as the meat is of the highest quality, from which a variety of delicacies are prepared.

Origin of Hungarian pigs Mangal

The progenitors of this breed are the Carpathian Hungarian mangalica and the Western European wild boar. - Animal meat is a delicacy. As a result of the fruitful work of breeders, an animal with stable genetics and high meat productivity was obtained. At the same time, this breed does not require close attention and care, they are unassuming in terms of diet and conditions of detention.

In the most ancient origin of the breed, one can discern the genetic characteristics of Vietnamese herbivorous pigs.

The brazier breed was brought to Russian lands quite recently, but breeders managed to fall in love with this kind of pigs.

The gain in this breed does not directly depend on the diet provided and the external conditions of detention.

Description of the breed

The weight of an adult pig of this variety of pigs can reach 300 kg. The mass will depend on the conditions of the animals. Custom boars should be neutered before 2 months of age, this will allow more intensive muscle mass gain and rid the meat of unpleasant flavors. The breed can be attributed to the elite herbivore.

The animal has a small height and curved legs, which provides the animal with faster movement. The head is not as elongated as in other breeds. The ears of a pig with a horizontal slope and lie a little on the muzzle. The piglet is wide, the tail is long, slightly twisted.

Sexually mature age in pigs occurs at 5-7 months.

A distinctive feature of the breed is a long and thick coat, straight along the body, and standing on end along the ridge, like a wild boar. The cover grows by the onset of the winter period. Experienced breeders say with confidence that such an undercoat allows pigs to feel more comfortable in winter without a specially equipped pigsty. In summer, the cover becomes short.

Another distinguishing feature of barbecues is the Wellman spot, which can reach up to 5 cm in diameter. This spot is located in the lower part of the ear. Piglets up to a month old have a striped color, which, upon reaching this age, begins to disappear. Adults can be divided into several subgroups according to color: black, white, red and mixed color.

The nature of pigs of this breed is friendly, animals easily contact with humans.

Productivity characteristics

The live weight of a sow reaches 200 kg, a wild boar - up to 300 kg. The record weight that was registered in the breed in question is 500 kg. Young growth grows at an average pace. At the age of six months, a piglet weighs an average of about 70 kg.

The most important advantage of brazier pigs is the beautiful outwardly meat and its excellent taste. For these properties, meat is quite high in the market. Despite such positive reviews about meat, the breed is still greasy. At the age of eight months, it has a fat layer of 5 cm, at 10 months it gives a layer of 10 cm.

Since the blood of the brazier contains the genetics of wild pigs, the fertility rate is not as high as that of the rest. The first pregnancy can bring no more than 5 piglets, subsequent farrowings can be up to 10 piglets.

Mangal meat is much tastier than the meat of an ordinary pig, moreover, it is healthier. Food is digested faster, as meat contains a minimal amount of cholesterol. Since the meat contains veins that dissolve during heat treatment, it becomes incredibly juicy. European chefs prefer the meat of half-year-old piglets, as during this period it is especially tender and practically without fat.

Breeding and cultivation

Reproduction is not such a simple process. This feature is associated with rarity. It is quite problematic to acquire purebred piglets, and mixing with other breeds can reveal, at an older age, rapid degeneration and deterioration in productive quality.

If you are a happy owner of brazier piglets, further breeding will not be a problem. Although puberty starts quite early, mating is recommended after reaching the weight mark of 100 kg. This recommendation is due to the fact that a weaker sow will not be able to carry so many piglets at a time and bring strong and viable offspring.

The gestation period for piglets is 116-120 days.

The sow is able to cope with farrowing on her own. However, this fact does not mean that it is not necessary to look after the animal during this alarming period. In addition, violations of the farrowing process are possible, and both an adult and newborn piglets may need your help.

Piglets of the brazier breed are adapted to independent life from the age of one month without the care of a sow. After 5 days after weaning the piglets, the pig can already fully participate in the hunt and is again ready for fertilization. When breeding this breed for a year, you can get offspring 2 times.

Unlike other breeds of pigs, piglets do not require vaccination, as they have strong immunity from birth.

Unpretentiousness in care and maintenance makes this breed even more attractive. It is not recommended to start barbecues if you do not provide sows and boars with sufficient space for walking in the summer. The territory must be fenced with a strong fence to avoid dogs, as well as predatory and stray animals from entering the corral.

The walking area should contain a variety of grass and shrubs. Since vegetable food is more preferable for pigs, carefully inspect the area for poisonous plants - St.

Do not forget that drafts and temperature changes will not benefit animals.

Some farmers say that barbecues can be kept outdoors all year round. However, piglets will still be much more comfortable and cozy in a warm, equipped pigsty, on fresh and clean straw bedding. The equipment of the pigsty should take place in the same way as for other artiodactyls.

It is important to maintain the necessary hygienic and sanitary standards - the temperature should not be below zero, lighting is preferably natural and artificial.

How to feed a piglet for rapid growth

It is not for nothing that the Mongolian breed is called herbivorous - so, in order to ensure intensive growth, they need to provide green fodder and make the right diet and feed it right. In summer, this norm is replenished during walking, in winter, vitamin hay, beets, both sugar and fodder, pumpkin, zucchini, apples, potatoes and other hard vegetable crops should be present in the diet.

Newborn piglets should be fed already for 3-5 days. First, a liquid mash and roasted barley grains are prepared for them. In such early term piglets will not interfere with mineral supplements - clay, chalk, bone meal, etc. Make sure that water is constantly updated in the drinkers, and piglets have constant access to it. Three weeks of age allows you to give young animals the same food as adults - hay and solid feed, compound feed.

It is important to teach piglets from a young age to eat the entire diet offered.

Description of the disease and methods of rapid treatment

Barbecues have strong natural immunity, which the breed inherited from a wild boar. Despite this fact, animals must be protected from certain diseases.

Description of ailments that piglets can often get sick with:

  • stomatitis is a disease, the main symptom of which is loss of appetite and bad breath. The disease can be eliminated by changing the diet and carrying out hygiene procedures in the form of rinsing with a soda solution or a solution of potassium permanganate;
  • avitaminosis is an ailment that affects young individuals. This disease can mean a lack of vitamins in the body. You can recognize the signs of the disease by a decrease in growth rates. The solution to the problem may be to change the diet and add vitamin components to the feed;
  • poisoning is a disease that often occurs in animals that have free access to poisonous flora. Symptoms are increased salivation, diarrhea, vomiting, and bloating. In especially severe cases, poisoning requires the intervention of a veterinarian who will wash the animal's stomach;
  • blockage of the esophagus occurs when a hungry pig is allowed to eat in unlimited quantities. In this case, the pig swallows food in exorbitant pieces without chewing it. The blockage manifests itself in the form of anxiety of the animal, shortness of breath and increased salivation. The pig urgently needs veterinary care, since in the worst case, if treatment is not provided in time, a fatal outcome is possible.


More useful information about the maintenance of pigs of the brazier breed, see the video


Breeding pigs of the brazier breed will not be difficult, since pigs are absolutely unpretentious in food and everyday life. It is enough to provide representatives of this breed with freedom for walks, where they will find all the necessary components for the body in grass, cones and shrubs. Remember that a lack of movement can negatively affect the quality of meat, instead of which a layer of fat will begin to grow.

Over a hundred breeds are intended for domestic and industrial breeding of pigs, capable of providing a different ratio of fat and meat. Conventionally, they belong to three types:

  • universal (meat and lard): Landrace, Duroc, Lapay, Temworth, Pietrain, Urzhumskaya;
  • meat and bacon (special proportions of meat and fat): Ukrainian steppe Belaya and Ryabaya, Lithuanian white, German early, Murom, Siberian northern;
  • greasy (high-quality lard): Mangalitsa, Large black, Berkshire.

In this list, a special place is occupied by MAngals - a breed of pigscausing a lot of discussion on the Internet. The main topic for discussion is the name of the breed, as it is often identified with the Hungarian Mangalitsa. Besides, in everyday life it is believed that the Hungarian Mangal is a breed of pig,having wool.

We will try together to understand the main differences between the two consonant breeds - they relate to the origin, appearance, quality of meat. Mangalitsa and Mangal also have common breed characteristics regarding keeping, nutrition, breeding.

Origin of the Hungarian Mangalica

Mangalica is of Hungarian origin. At the initial level, it contains the genes of primitive and semi-wild Carpathian pigs:

  • wild reeds;
  • Bakonyi;
  • Szalontai.

The offspring obtained as a result of such mixing of blood turned out to be semi-wild, with prickly hair and an aggressive disposition. Further crossing with Sumadia (Serbia) led to the appearance in 1833 of the Hungarian fluffy (downy) Mangalitsa. At this stage, the pigs acquired bright signs of a greasy type, a typical appearance, and quickly gained weight.

In the post-war years of the 20th century, Mangalitsa was at the peak of its popularity, but the rise to the pinnacle of fame was followed by a sudden fall: at the turn of the 70s and 80s, the number of tallow breeds of Mangalitsa was sharply reduced. The reason for this was the formed opinion that foods containing fat are unhealthy.

Once again, the position of Mangalitsa was strengthened in 1990, when the company Jamones Segovia, S.A. (Spain) began its reproduction.

Mangalitsa is included in the Hungarian aboriginal breed protection program and is the pride of the state. Every year in February, Budapest hosts the Mangalitsa festival, where sausage producers compete, gastronomic competitions are organized, entertainment programs and tasting of national dishes are held.

Pig breed Mangal

The history of the origin of this breeddirectly related to the foreign namesake.

M Angal - a hybrid bred as a result of crossing Mangalitsa with a wild Western European boar. This made it possible to consolidate the genetic structure and develop breed characteristics aimed at obtaining a predominant meat content with minimal care, maintenance and feeding.

According to available information, the Mangal breed is not officially registered. However, this does not stop connoisseurs of quality meat, seeking to acquire such a hybrid both for further slaughter and for obtaining elite offspring. Further selection based on the obtained genotype continues.

Description of Mangalitsa

Breed type - greasy.

The ears of the pig have a horizontal tilt forward or lie slightly on the muzzle.

The coat is similar to a sheep's coat: thick wool is long and twists into curls before the onset of winter cold, in summer it becomes short.

Color of purebred Mangalits:

  • white (variations from gray to yellow-red);
  • red (variations from dark red to brown with red);
  • "swallow" (black color on the back and sides, light - on the stomach and lower body).

A characteristic sign of purebred Mangalits is the "Wellman spot" with a diameter of up to 5 cm, which is located on the ear in the lower part. Breed sign - seasonal molting: in summer - a simple structure of short hair, in winter - a thick long coat, curled into curls.

Description of the Mangal pig breed

Breed of meat type (weight of pure meat is 70-80%).

If the appearance of Mangalitsa is similar to that of a sheep, then by the appearance of Mangal it is immediately clear that his ancestors were wild pigs, from which he received the main breed trait - the ability to gain weight on pasture.

Medium-sized ears stand upright.

The coat is long and straight, standing on end at the nape, like a wild boar. The color of the coat resembles the color of wild pigs:

  • light brown;
  • sand;
  • ginger;
  • grey.

Braziers are a breed of pigs that are subject to seasonal molting when kept outdoors: with the onset of cold weather, the wool becomes thick. When kept indoors, the density is lost.

Consumer characteristics of Mangalitsa and Mangal

Mangalitsa, belonging to the greasy type of pig breeds, is known throughout the world due to the value of fat without cholesterol, and marbled meat with an abundance of fatty streaks. Dried-smoked jamon is obtained from the meat of the Hungarian Mangalitsa.

Barbecues have a feature at the gene level: they actively build up not fat, but muscle tissue, due to this they become slightly fat. In this regard, they are classified as a meat type as an elite breed among herbivores.

The main similarity with Mangalitsa, which hasbreedpig brazier,- content. A warm fur coat makes it easy to endure frosts when kept outdoors, and seasonal molting makes it easy to cope with the summer heat.

A strong immune system, inherited from wild boar ancestors, is not subject to stress and allows you to do without vaccinations.

Both breeds are herbivorous, do not require special care, have excellent memory and high intelligence - this allows them to adapt to free-range conditions, feel great in a pasture or a fenced area (for example, in a garden) in summer and winter.

Summer is a time of special expanse for omnivorous animals that can get nutrients from any pasture. Grass, duckweed from reservoirs, fruit carrion, shoots and roots of trees and shrubs, roots, acorns, cones and chestnuts, mushrooms and berries are eaten. In winter - hay, root crops, bran, crushed corn stalks and grains, food waste.

For a year, both breeds gain 200 kg on grass, succulent feed and hay, and up to 300 kg when fed with compound feed.


Just like Mangalits, Mangals are a breed of pigs that reach maturity early: at the age of 5-7 months, the female can already become pregnant. However, the owners of these breeds recommend mating no earlier than the expectant mother reaches a weight of 100 kg - this is required to obtain viable offspring with strong immunity.

Barbecues are more prolific than their Hungarian ancestors of the greasy type. So, if Mangalitsa can bring only 5-6 piglets in one offspring, then for Mangals the appearance of 12-16 babies, starting from the second farrowing, is considered the norm.

During farrowing, the female pigs of the Mangal breed (according to the owners) are able to independently take care of the safety of their offspring: they make a nest in a haystack and behave carefully, despite their huge weight.

Piglets of Mangalitsa, Mangala and Wild boar at a young age are very similar: their common feature is bright light or dark stripes against a contrasting general background. At the age of 1 month, piglets of Wild boars are elongated, Mangalits are rounded, covered with curly hair, Mangals resemble Mangalitsa in body shape, while maintaining an elongated muzzle and the quality of wool, like that of savages.

Piglets are recommended to be weaned from their mother at the age of one month. By this time, young Mangals and Mangalits become hardy, have strong immunity, are able to digest hard food and are ready to go for free grazing.

Breed Benefits

A number of advantages are common to Mangalits and the Mangal pig breed. Characteristics, owner reviews create such a picture of the advantages of these elite breeds:

These criteria underlie the choice of a 300-kg elite for a pig farm or a private backyard.

Disadvantages of elite breeds

Despite the fact that Mangals is a pig breed devoid of such a disadvantage of its Hungarian ancestors as low fertility, both breeds have significant disadvantages:

  1. The need for a large area for walking.
  2. High price.
  3. The rarity of the breed in Russia.

The last factor plays a decisive role when it comes to breeding purebred Mangals or Mangalits. Finding a suitable pair for this purpose is quite difficult.

Brazier is a breed of pigs, reviews of which are only positive. However, the owners of this breed are ready to give a number of tips to future owners:

  • For quick weight gain and high-quality meat, it is recommended to castrate wild boars.
  • Piglets need to be weaned from their mother at the age of one month - this will make it possible to get 2 litters during the year.
  • When keeping pigs free-range, it is important to ensure that there are no poisonous plants in the pasture.
  • The piglet pen must be fenced in to protect it from predators.

It is important to bear in mind that a lack of movement can provoke obesity in Mangals, which will inevitably lead to an increase in the weight of cheap fat and a decrease in the weight of meat, for which this breed was bred.

The Mangal pig breed originates in 1833. The progenitors were the domestic pig and the wild pig (this species has about 40% wild roots). The genes of this breed are excellent. They allow you to get valuable types of meat and juicy fat.

The weight of an adult brazier pig can be up to 300 kg. It will depend on the conditions where it is kept. Male gilts, which the farmer does not intend to breed, should preferably be castrated when they are one or two months old. After that, they will gain muscle mass even faster. Also, the castration procedure will help get rid of bad smell in meat. The breed of pigs brazier is considered elite, herbivorous. Sexually mature individuals are pigs that have reached 5-7 months of age.

A unique feature of this breed is the long and thick coat of pigs. This is noticeable even in the photo. It is straight along the body, and on the back it stands on end, thus resembling its ancestor, the wild boar. Such a warm sheepskin coat grows in autumn to keep animals warm in winter. Thanks to this wool, piglets of the brazier breed can winter without a specially equipped pigsty. They can sleep right on the hay. Even in the photo and video, you can see how thick the layer of wool that these pigs are covered with.

These pigs do not have a single color. Mangalits can be red, light sand, and also dark. Different colors of pigs can be seen in the photo.

  • Their productivity is directed mainly to juicy meat.
  • The food that needs to be fed to these pigs is cheap.
  • Mangal pigs have high immunity, so they are not afraid of low temperatures.
  • Piglets of the brazier breed soon become adults, which bring offspring.

To be fair, let's name the shortcomings of the breed:

  • This is a fairly rare breed.
  • The brazier breed is quite expensive.

Conditions of detention

The characteristics of the conditions for keeping the brazier breed will delight farmers. She is very simple. Only important condition is that the Mangal breed is very fond of open spaces for walking. If the farmer does not have a plot where this can be done, then it is better not to start these pigs.

These pigs also get their favorite treat in the open area. They are very fond of fresh meadow grass.

It is worth taking care that poisonous plants do not grow in the place for walking the brazier breed. It is also desirable that the open enclosure has a stretched oilcloth or something like that on top, as this will protect the animals from the aggressive sun and rain.

Adults of the brazier breed can really be outdoors all year round, thanks to their high immunity. For piglets, it would be better to build a warm barn, where there will be soft bedding in the form of hay.

It is worth considering another factor in the presence of piglets. It is very important to keep the pigsty clean in order to prevent the development of bacteria, because piglets' immunity is not yet so strong. Also, in the pigsty where the piglets are located, a certain temperature regime must be maintained, it must be at least 0 degrees. It is also very important that there are no drafts in the pigsty.

What to feed?

What else do these pigs eat besides fresh meadow grass? In the cold season, fresh green fodder can replace hay rich in vitamins, root crops, pumpkin, beets, potatoes, apples, and zucchini.

If you have received an offspring of piglets, then you can start feeding them as early as 3-5 days. It can be used as a liquid mash, as well as roasted barley grains. Piglets from an early age should also be offered mineral supplements: bone meal, chalk, clay. Make sure animals have access to fresh, clean water. When piglets reach three weeks old, they can eat the same feed as adults.

How to breed?

The difficulty of breeding the brazier breed lies in the fact that the breed is quite rare. Reviews suggest that acquiring purebred piglets is not an easy task. It’s not worth bringing a brazier pig with another, as productivity worsens because of this.

If you still managed to buy purebred piglets, then in the future their breeding will not be difficult. Pigs become sexually mature quickly, but experienced breeders advise breeding them when they reach 100 kg in weight. This recommendation must also be followed because the sow of the brazier breed can bear 12-16 piglets at the same time. If the pig's own weight is not large enough, then this may affect the viability of the offspring.

The sow's pregnancy lasts for 116-120 days. The sow does not require additional conditions during childbirth. Everything goes quickly and easily.

The advantage of this breed is that it is possible to wean piglets from a sow already at the age of one month, and their mother can be mated again. It turns out that in one year the farmer may well get two offspring.

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